Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sewing With Rosebud 10/12/10

originally published Octobet 12, 2010
One of the classes I taught at the American Sewing Expo, in Novi, MI was an all day hands on sewing class, “Easy Blouses,” using industry techniques learning how to sew easier and faster without pins or basting. The City Western Blouse, Islander Sewing Systems, required prepping the fabric before coming to class. The 26 participants did not disappoint me; they were eager to learn and had everything ready.
They learned the basics of how to hold their hands and let the sewing machine’s feed dogs move the fabric under the presser foot. Over and over I reminded them “right thumb underneath with fingers on top, left fingers guide the fabric” until it became a habit.
They quickly discovered the importance of ¼” and 3/8” seam allowances to join seams, especially when attaching the collar band to the neck edge of the garment. It cannot be done easily if using the traditional 5/8” seam allowance.
One student from Austin, TX, took several pictures and posted them on her Blog, Matching Notches, Sewing With Rosebud in Novi, MI, be sure to check it out. I must admit, Roseana was a joy to have in the class and was wearing one of her own creations.
I am always impressed with those in my classes, they are SEW hungry to learn. Not being in their own comfort zone and sewing on a different machine, each participant quickly made herself at home and had their blouse almost completed by the end of class.
I can only hope that some will send me a picture of them wearing their completed blouse, if SEW, I will post them here.

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